When Is The Best Time To Go Swimming?

Are you working long and hard to get a swimmer’s body? Think long, lean, sculpted muscles… insert mental image of Michael Phelps. Now you know what I’m talking about! But in all seriousness, swimming with lifeguard training is a great way to work your muscles and get your heart rate up. Plus, thanks to buoyancy, it’s easier on the ligaments and fit for pretty much anyone.

The Science Behind When to Swim

It’s easy to assume we know when is the best time to go swimming. For instance, I figured the best time to swim would be early in the morning. Don’t ask me why — I just took an educated guess. But what does science say about when is the best time to go swimming?

To my surprise, most studies claim that the best time for swimming is early in the evening because the temperature of your muscles are at their peak. This means that your body’s metabolic process is higher and the energy metabolism of the muscles is also higher. To put it in simpler terms, your muscles will get the most out of swimming during this time of day.


  • The Science Behind When to Swim
  • Swimming in the Morning
  • Advantages
  • Disadvantages
  • Swimming at Lunch Time
  • Advantages
  • Disadvantages
  • Swimming in the Evening
  • Advantages
  • Disadvantages
  • Conclusion

When is the Best Time to Go Swimming?

Are you working long and hard to get a swimmer’s body? Think long, lean, sculpted muscles… insert mental image of Michael Phelps. Now you know what I’m talking about! But in all seriousness, swimming is a great way to work your muscles and get your heart rate up. Plus, thanks to buoyancy, it’s easier on the ligaments and fit for pretty much anyone.

Whether you’re new to swimming or have been at it for years, there are probably some questions you have. For instance, how long does it take to swim a mile? Or how can I swim freestyle without getting tired? In the world of swimming, there are plenty of questions to ask and most always an answer!

One question that I underestimated was when is the best time to go swimming? I’ll be honest with you, I didn’t think the time of day would make much of a difference. But to my surprise, I was wrong! While there is no wrong or right time to swim, there are definitely pros and cons to each time of day.

The Science Behind When to Swim

It’s easy to assume we know when is the best time to go swimming. For instance, I figured the best time to swim would be early in the morning. Don’t ask me why — I just took an educated guess. But what does science say about when is the best time to go swimming?

To my surprise, most studies claim that the best time for swimming is early in the evening because the temperature of your muscles are at their peak. This means that your body’s metabolic process is higher and the energy metabolism of the muscles is also higher. To put it in simpler terms, your muscles will get the most out of swimming during this time of day.

This means your body’s metabolic process is higher and the energy metabolism of the muscles is higher.

The answer seems easy enough, right? Except here’s the plot twist: this time of day might not be the right answer for you and your body. Every single person is different. Our biological clocks are different. We all have our own schedules, do things in our own time, and go through our own daily routine. These play a factor into when is the best time to go swimming.

Let’s take a day shift nurse versus a night shift nurse, for example. One gets off of work around 6:30 p.m. while the other goes in around that time then continues to work overnight. Obviously they have two very different schedules and an evening swim just might not work into that mix. The best time of day for you may also differ from what science suggests.

Swimming in the Morning

Are you a morning person? I most definitely am not. There are rare occasions where I like to get my workout in first thing. But those moments are definitely a dime a dozen. However, if you are a morning person, then that might be when it is the best time to go swimming for you!


A few advantages of going swimming in the morning are:

  • It gives you energy for the rest of your day. Kicking off your day with a nice morning swim will help get your energy levels up for the long day ahead.
  • Testosterone levels are higher in the morning. A higher testosterone level means it’s easier to keep up the pace during your morning swim.
  • Starts the day off peacefully. Spending your morning swimming is a peaceful way to start the day off right. If you don’t have a pool and have to use a public one, there will probably be less of a crowd in the morning time too!
  • You get done early. Completing a morning swim means you don’t have to wait the rest of the day to get your workout in.
  • Less chance of sunburn. Nobody enjoys getting a sunburn! Swimming in the morning is a great way to avoid those high UV rays that come out in the afternoon.

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